We bit the bullett and drove 3 hours to Abilene for Thanksgiving this year. My Uncle Ricky and Aunt Cinde live there, and were excited to hold Thanksgiving at their house this year. I think Cinde learned her lesson and this was the first AND last time they have it at their house. I am pretty sure the carpet in the TV room will have to be ripped up and removed as it was pretty bad when we left. There was probably enough food on the floor to feed a small army. It was a pretty packed house.
Me, Jeremiah, the 3 rugrats. Shane, Dianna and their 2 kiddos. My mom dad, grandma, grandpa, Uncle Ricky, Aunt Cinde, Uncle Randy. Cousins Ashley, Blake, Ashleys husband John, Blakes girlfriend (the name has escaped me), Amber, Arica, Lora, Ashleys two kids Kyler and McKenna. We ate, watched football, looked at sale ads for Black Friday then headed to the hotel and stayed over in good ole Abilene. I had a really good time. I miss my family and wish that it didn't consist of a one time a year visit. I will get some pics on here as soon as my good for nothing sister in law downloads her pictures, because lord knows I cant and wont compete with her camera or pictures. So instead I will just steal them and pretend they are mine. =) So hurry up Dianna, the public is waiting.
Me, Jeremiah, the 3 rugrats. Shane, Dianna and their 2 kiddos. My mom dad, grandma, grandpa, Uncle Ricky, Aunt Cinde, Uncle Randy. Cousins Ashley, Blake, Ashleys husband John, Blakes girlfriend (the name has escaped me), Amber, Arica, Lora, Ashleys two kids Kyler and McKenna. We ate, watched football, looked at sale ads for Black Friday then headed to the hotel and stayed over in good ole Abilene. I had a really good time. I miss my family and wish that it didn't consist of a one time a year visit. I will get some pics on here as soon as my good for nothing sister in law downloads her pictures, because lord knows I cant and wont compete with her camera or pictures. So instead I will just steal them and pretend they are mine. =) So hurry up Dianna, the public is waiting.